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The Group

In November 2015, Piper Forsen began work on an EMB-120, knowing nearly nothing about aircraft development. Over the course of a few days, Ryan Badger joined the project, and High Alpha Development Group was born. The group has seen members come and go, but is still working to finish the EMB-120, and to complete a few projects on the side.

The Team
Piper Forsen



Piper is the leader of HADG. She also creates flight models in Plane Maker, does some texturing (mostly in the cockpit), and other miscellaneous tasks.

Ryan Badger.jpg
Ryan Badger

First Officer


Ryan is using HADG as an opportunity to learn. He does whatever he can, and is of great help to the team. He creates liveries, and also helps out with miscellaneous tasks.

Open Position

Flight Engineer


HADG is actively searching for a 3D modeling expert. They must understand modeling, texturing, animation, datarefs, and everything else associated with creating a 3D model for X-Plane.

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